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June 27, 2017
My son has Autism and I want to learn more about who he is by seeing what other parents/caregivers and individuals on the spectrum are going through.
I've found that when the Autism community comes together, looking beyond the differences, we'll find the common issues that we really need to focus on and take note of...
I don't take a stand on research, and try to keep an open mind. With this Autisable (and myself) don't like to take sides on major subjects that are shared throughout the community. This has allowed those that are involved the freedom to express their own personal perspectives - bringing new insight to what we do on a regular basis.
It's because of this that we've been able to build bridges across the diverse autism community and find that we are all experiencing similar challenges... but from different points of view. We can, therefore, learn from each other wherever we are.
Joel Manzer, Lead Editor
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