Last Day for standard shipping for Christmas December 17
Last Day for standard shipping for Christmas December 17
March 05, 2018
March 05, 2018
March 05, 2018
Historically fatty liver was viewed as being mostly benign. The theory was that while liver fat might make the organ vulnerable to other problems it was, after all just normal fat. This view naturally led to medicine focusing on other problems where symptoms existed. I thought that view made little sense if only because fat people died younger but the science wasn't there so that remained the story.
March 05, 2018
If knowledge is your goal, this is a great place to start.
Part of dealing with liver disease is to understand it. In order to help you, we are working with Armando Hasudungan who produces superb short videos to explain complex medical subjects. We use them throughout the site to help you understand your body and specifically your liver. The first video gives you a view of the liver overall and the following ones focus on details.
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