How to Get Life Insurance with Multiple Sclerosis

June 27, 2017

Like being stalled behind an accident on the freeway at rush hour.

Like cooking dinner with a cast on your dominant hand.

Like trying to get a credit card after undergoing bankruptcy.

That’s how it can feel trying to get life insurance, when you are a person who has MS. While your doctors tell you that multiple sclerosis is not a death sentence, you may swear that your life insurance agent never got that memo. In reality, most life insurance agents don’t know much about multiple sclerosis, so they don’t even know what questions to ask. As you bungle with them through delays and misdirection, it is easy to feel frustrated and handicapped. But it does NOT have to be that way.

There are life insurance companies that will issue a policy to someone with nearly every stage and symptoms of MS. With mild relapsing-remitting MS that has been stable for at least a year, you can get close to the same life insurance rates as someone who deep sea dives once a year. If your MS is progressive and you are unable to bathe or dress independently, there are guaranteed issue policies you can get. If you are somewhere in between those two extremes, there are policies out there for you with “in between” rates.

The key is using an agent who: 1) understands MS, 2) knows what the different life insurance companies are looking for, and 3) can shop multiple companies to get your best rate.

Like crossing the finish line in a 5K race.

Like waving a VIP pass at the gate of your favorite concert.

Like getting back more than you expected on your tax return.

That’s what getting life insurance with MS can be like when you use an agency like

Contributed by Peggy Mace, CEO and Senior Agent Outlook Life Insurance

For assistance and instant quotes call: 866.866.0242

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