Last Day for standard shipping for Christmas December 17
June 27, 2017 1 Comment
I have neuromyelitis optica (NMO). NMO was once considered a subset of MS. NMO has very similar symptoms to MS so unfortunately a lot of NMO patients are misdiagnosed as having MS when really they do not. NMO and MS although similar symptoms have very different treatment plans and different medications. Thus, if MS patients really have NMO they may be suffering from recurring major attacks because they aren't treated correctly. MS patients should ask about the NMO antibody blood test.
Sometimes both diseases are invisible disabilities and a lot of people suffer silently. By spreading information about MS and NMO we can educate the world and get support to find a cure for both.
NMO is currently an incurable but treatable autoimmune disorder. The body’s immune system attacks its own healthy cells, most commonly in the optic nerves and spinal cord. It can cause temporary or permanent blindness and/or paralysis, and may have periods of remission and relapse. (
Jennifer is a co-blogger on to read more about Jennifer's and other's experiences, wonderful advice and even diet suggestions (one of the co-bloggers is a MasterChef USA winner),
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What is MyID Plus?
Michell Terry
August 06, 2017
Hi. I was diagnosed with NMO, I had all the symptoms but because I didn’t have the antibodies my current doctor rediagnosedme with MS. Now I keep having relapses. It’s very frustrating. Are there any doctors the the Michigan area that specialize in NMO?